How IT Enhances the Customer Experience

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Organizations are reaping huge ROI from their investments in the customer experience, especially if they fund for new marketing technologies or upgrades, according to a recent survey from Avanade and Sitecore. The resulting report, titled “Customer Experience and Your Bottom Line,” indicates that companies are budgeting for more IT solutions, especially those addressing data and analytics needs, to improve the customer experience. They’re also seeking to establish seamless shopping across multiple devices and channels. With this, they expect to benefit through boosted revenues, improved sales cycles and increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. “Customers want flawless,” according to the report. “They want speed. They want smooth. Because of this, we live in an era where the digital customer experience is king. In a market where there are 10 competitors vying for customers’ attention, you have to be the one they turn to. This focus will result in massive financial gains for organizations … (It will) help you digitally transform to better centralize the customers’ needs; understanding them through strong analytics, making them feel valued by providing personalized information (at the right place and right time) and saving them time and stress by offering a frictionless experience across devices and channels.” A total of 880 global decision-makers with responsibility or influence over their organization’s customer digital experience took part in the research.