Mobile News Roundup: June 17

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Last week in the Mobile News Roundup, Apple held its annual World Wide Developer’s Conference. We dive into some of the biggest announcements: a groundbreaking new “flat” redesign in iOS 7, new Macs, iOS for cars, and more.

Mobile News and Insights

Apple Debuts iOS 7, OS X Mavericks, and New Macs: Everything You Need to Know – The Verge

All the top news from WWDC, in one place.

Cook Unveils Mission Statement, iOS 7 Gets Colorful, New iPhone – Forbes

A few of the things that happened around Apple this week.

How Apple’s iOS 7 Changes Everything For App Designers – ReadWrite

Everything app designers know has been tossed out the window..

Why iOS 7 Looks Unfinished (Spoiler: It’s Because It’s Unfinished) – TIME

A collection of top mobile analysts’ thoughts on the new OS.

Why Do Super-Elite Customers Get All The Attention? – Forbes

How to use big data and mobile to delight both the “super-elite” and regular joes.

With Wearable Tech, Human Behavior is Now a Design Problem – GigaOM

Wearable devices will be able to influence our behavior in ways both good and bad.

Saks Deploys 2,000 iPads in Stores, to Launch OFF 5th Website in Fall – RIS

Saks’ multi-channel shoppers spend 3-4x what single-channel shoppers spend.

Mobile Marketing Isn’t About Screens or Devices, It’s About Behavior – AdAge

Consumers move fluidly across devices and platforms; brands must do the same.

Mobile Research

[Infographic] Mobile at WWDC – The Push

The buzz, the snark, the hits, and the misses from Apple’s annual conference.

A Day in the Life of a Mobile Consumer – Flurry

How consumers are using apps throughout the day, and how it relates to wearables.

82% of eCommerce Merchants Not Tracking Mobile Sales – Mobile Commerce Daily

The majority of merchants don’t know whether a purchasees from mobile or PC.

One-Third of Americans Now Own Tablet Computers – New York Times

The fastest-growing segments: affluent households, college graduates, parents.

Smart Mobile Devices Account for Small Share of TV Viewing – eMarketer

Only 2% of total TV viewership occurred on a tablet or smartphone.

The post Weekly Mobile News Roundup: June 17 appeared first on Mutual Mobile.

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