Value Innovation in Banking Channels

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An emerging field in customer experience and behavioural research and marketing is the area of value innovation. Value innovation, in strategic terms, is the creation of a superior customer value with a view to gaining a competitive advantage and/or rejuvenating the institution and organisation.
Whereas organisations such as Google thrive on constant innovation, traditional organisations such as established financial institutions find this more difficult to manage.
Innovation of the customer experience, however, is no longer a choice, but a necessity, and more importantly, a competitive weapon. As customer behaviour continues to evolve more and more rapidly, a culture of continuous improvement of the customer experience is required . This culture of innovation can then influence the entire institution, from management through to frontline staff.

This notion of value innovation goes beyond changes in product, process and services, and includes new ways of:
• servicing customers;
• offering value propositions to customers;
• collaborating with customers;
• working; and
• networking competencies and resources.

To measure innovation in the institution effectively, we need to measure how innovation is conceptualised, how well the innovation is oriented towards the customer.
Obviously the more complex a product, the more handholding the customer might need to engage in that product. By law in some jurisdictions, certain investment products, for example, require a customer to be advised as to the risk involved in that type of investment product. In other instances, a customer may have a plethora of choices and simply not know the right product for their particular circumstances, say, in the case of life insurance. A mortgage product is generally considered a pretty complex product (although increasingly commoditised), so it is a reasonable assumption that at some point before a customer receives approval, he’s going to have to talk to a member of the mortgage product team to decide on the right option(s).

While we can assume that execution of a complex product will likely occur through a face-to-face interaction, we cannot assume that this is the sum total of contact the customer will have had regarding that product. The fact is, for different products, there will be a range of different channel interactions that lead to the ultimate sale, application or trade.
Understanding each of those interactions is just as critical as the face-to-face capability at the very end of the process .
So, we have to understand which channels are used by which customers at what time, and at which stage of the purchase cycle or decision they are at. The fact is, we really need to cater for all of these interactions simultaneously. The good news is that for simpler products it is somewhat more predictable. So, which products work best online? The answer is, it depends on which market and demographic you are looking at.

The facts are that while traditional branch banking is under threat, it is not enough to attribute this to the increasing rise of Internet banking and ATMs or to classify this simply as the “death of the branch”. The reality is that the role of the branch must change in the future to survive. As a result of technology adoption diffusion and pressures resultant from shifts in consumer behaviour, if we don’t adapt the role of the branch, we will soon see the business model for such made completely unsustainable from a cost-benefit perspective.
The sooner retail bankers see the Internet, branch, ATM, phone and other such channels collectively as the “bank” rather than seeing the branch as a somehow more superior channel, and the sooner we understand that the role of the branch must evolve, then the sooner we can get on with really servicing customers appropriately.
We need to adapt to where customers are going to be physically, what services they are going to need and how they want to work with the bank. That is going to mean a number of different types of branches filling key service niches in the marketplace.
So the core function of the branch as we move forward has to be about providing exceptional service to existing customers, and about acquiring new customers and share-of-wallet through better sales capability. If that is the case, what does the branch look like?
What typifies such changes is almost always a significant shift in the service culture of the bank to move towards a feature and service-rich environment for the customer. Banks have realised that products no longer differentiate, brand is not the sole factor in success, and branches themselves hold no particular ability to draw customers, so the ability of the bank to meet the needs of the customer must drive new revenue opportunities.
Branches become a platform for this, but only with significant re-engineering from a personnel, design and technology perspective.

The following areas represent suggested opportunities for either improvement in financial operations or customer service levels at the branch :
• Improved customer communications and language.
• Better cross-sell/up-sell capability.
• Efficiency gains through process and training, including Rapid or Pre-emptive Credit Risk Assessment, Straight-Thru Processing of applications, and sales/service culture and training.
• Better channel migration.
• Improved use of transactional automation and service technology.
• Better segmentation and location management.

The changes are required in the core arenas, which are Platform, Channel and Distribution, Customer Intelligence, Marketing and Metrics.

Technology and Innovation

Platform and infrastructure
There are some core changes that are occuring within the technology platform of leading banks.
One change includes the implementation of cloud based services.
The flexibility of cloud-based operating models lets financial institutions experience shorter development cycles for new products. This supports a faster and more efficient response to the needs of banking customers. Since the cloud is available on-demand, less infrastructure investments are required, saving initial set-up time.
Cloud computing also allows new product development to move forward without capital investment.
Cloud service models offer financial institutions the option to move from a capital-intensive approach to a more flexible business model that lowers operational costs.
The key to success lies in selecting the right cloud services model to match business needs. These models include: Business Process-as-a-Service, (BPaaS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

Another change is the implementation of STP capability, and the other will be the move towards channel-agnostic content and processing capability backed by a dynamic, IP-based service-oriented architecture.

Straight-Thru Processing is a concept and process encapsulating technology that relies on a number of core technologies, including customer analytics and metadata management, consolidating the messaging platform between channels and legacy systems (middleware), credit risk management, settlements, and other core components. STP automates the assessment of risk for low to medium involvement products, ranging from credit card applications and personal loans, to refinancing of mortgages and lines of credit, and the establishment of overdraft facilities. STP will enable the bank to give instant approval, streamline the fulfilment process and reduce paper handling to an absolute minimum. For existing customers, this will represent a massive improvement in service as the bank will be able to offer instantly a product that a competitor will still need to assess in a more conventional manner. STP will be supported by Credit Risk Management and an automated risk assessment platform.

As ATMs, voice, data, branch automation, the Internet and mobile all move on to IP-based operating platforms, the bank’s service-oriented architecture will become the DNA of the business. We will continue to migrate business processes to application server technology or even into the cloud, thus continuing to move away from legacy core banking systems wherever possible. This is done to improve time-to-market for customer solutions and improve adaptability to competitive market pressure, along with reducing capital expenditure. Autonomic technology with neural nets will learn new processes that are created by customer interactions.

Content management with Web 2.0 technology to distribute content across multiple channels will generate richer customer experiences and spread the workload of content creation across the business and beyond.
Social networking integration will allow the bank to let customers also integrate content into the banking experience, giving ratings on products and giving service feedback. Banks today would be absolutely terrified of this concept because they don’t want free forum feedback that other customers can see. But guess what? Twitter, email, and other such mechanisms already make that possible today. So why not try and prepare for this and integrate it into the bank’s DNA.
Additional core components are required to task up the architecture to cope with customer service demands. Contact management software will support improvements in customer service by allowing any bank officer or customer representative to see if there are any outstanding customer service issues and to respond to issues that could otherwise affect customer brand experience. It is essential that we have the ability to track contact from customers across every channel, otherwise the service experience as the customer moves from one channel to another will always be compromised.

In-branch, contact center and relationship management will be assisted through customer dashboards which aggregate customer footprint and operationalise credit and offer management. Through the use of customer dashboards, typical service requests will be streamlined so that in-branch experience will be dramatically improved. For example, when a customer requests the opening of a new account or an overdraft facility, we won’t hand him a blank form and ask him to fill it out; the system will generate a form with all of his details from his customer record and the customer will only need to sign the form. Within two to three years, even this step won’t be necessary as the customer will simply view the product agreement on screen and authorise the new account with a biometric confirmation or on-screen signature through touch screen capability.
Perhaps the biggest single improvement will be in telephone-based service technologies. Already we are starting to see the introduction of voice recognition systems in IVR systems. As we move into video call technology, we will pair this with avatars to provide a more human interaction. However, even without video avatar agents, the voice recognition capability will provide a challenge for the bank to understand the most dominant enquiries through the phone channel and to optimise around these. In fact, channel optimisation will involve a much clearer understanding of which transactions take place across which channel, and improving the channel to cater for that process.
Rather than have an IVR system that sounds like we are reading out the bank’s organisation chart (Press 1 for Retail Banking, Press 2 for Corporate Banking…), the IVR will be optimised for each customer, that is, he can either ask for exactly what he wants, or he will be presented with options most regularly chosen by him in previous interactions with the bank.


Channel and distribution
Channel management is probably the most significant change both operationally and technically. Currently, banks are sticklers for maintaining multiple technology and operational silos around customer channels. This situation is untenable as we move into the networked economies of the 21st century. Why? There are two significant reasons.

Firstly, customer channels will continue to evolve and emerge, presenting opportunities. For example, the app phone has generated a channel that is ubiquitous, but it is currently one that is not utilised by most banks. Skype and Instant Messaging are everywhere, with billions of users globally, and yet you can’t contact your bank through these communication mediums.
Secondly, bank management will increasingly face the question of who should own all these new channels. In reality, a customer-focused channel team could deal with all these new opportunities agnostically without having to offset investment in one channel against some pre-existing budget thinking or bias within the marketing and IT teams, for example.

To illustrate, Mobile TV is already growing in popularity at an alarming rate across Asia, with Japan and Korea investing significantly in the technology that has already seen strong customer adoption. However, there is currently no mechanism within banks to generate content for this format—and just retasking TVCs is not an option. If Mobile TV was to be utilised as an engagement channel, where would the channel and content responsibility lie? Who would own it?
Again to illustrate, as point-of-sale technology evolves, currently this is likely to be compartmentalised as a payment solutions issue and relegated to MasterCard, Visa, Diners and Amex to solve, but your bank actually needs to find a way to optimise the point-of-sale experience for each individual customer. Who would own that? Most likely your bank would relegate this to credit card “usage” and leave it to the cards team. However, creating the right precognitive service selling offers requires more than a cards team. It requires a deeper understanding of customer behaviour through analytics.

All these challenges cannot simply be met by the current technology platform and organisation structures that most banks employ. How will the platform be optimised to serve a true multichannel services concept?

In future, ATMs, phones, the Internet, mobile Internet and app phone devices, in-branch systems and the call center will all leverage sales offers generated by the customer dynamics team. Just imagine publishing that content across these channels with eight or nine different content and channel platforms.
Consider the development effort required every time we find a channel is not adequately configured to handle the latest capability of the end user’s device. Optimised channel management goes hand in hand with better content, service and experience. This is a goal that cannot be achieved in the current IT environment without considerable expense that is largely avoidable if an overarching team is created for customer sales offers. This streamlined environment will also enable the bank to respond to product opportunities in real time across every channel, rather than face production lags due to silo-ing.


Organisational Impact
As an organisation, your bank is rapidly going to have to re-engineer itself around the customer more effectively. The current departmental structure effectively creates competition for resources that could otherwise be optimised in servicing the customer. For example, removing duplication of silos such as the call center, Internet banking and email handling for different business units (i.e. retail versus commercial banking, personal Internet banking versus commercial internet banking, etc). It means creating a consistent service across all channels because branch performance is no longer the key measure for customer experience. Customers now evaluate the bank on its performance across EVERY channel—a great branch experience will not save you if your Internet thingy sucks. Here are the specific likely changes.


Channel development to channel management
It does not make sense from a platform point of view to have separate channel infrastructure for commercial and retail banking services. For example, the skills required to manage the Internet channel in terms of things such as content management, search engine optimisation, engaging vendors and technical implementation are identical whether for commercial content or retail content. It makes no economic sense to keep the management of these areas separate. Likewise for call center and email handling.
Increasingly your bank will need to find a mechanism for dealing consistently with enquiries and support/service requests across ALL channels. So if someone enters a branch, the teller or RM (relationship manager) will know that two days ago the client rang the call center about the loss of his credit card. The RM can then see if the card is ready for pick-up without prompting from the client. If a service matter remains unresolved, when a caller rings the contact center, the CSR (customer service representative) will be ready to resolve this call because the system has anticipated this and presented the options on the screen.
The added advantage for the customer will be that he will have access to all his related accounts aggregated through one contact center and will rely on the bank to direct him to the appropriate solution, rather than having to call different numbers.
Consistency of service will generate brand collateral through a better overall service experience. That is, the Internet banking channel, cheque deposit machine, ATM, email, branch, and all the channels will be integrated so the message is consistent and no opportunity for service is lost due to technology or channel silos.


Marketing department transitions to customer dynamics
Most marketing organisations, including retail financial institutions, still have not optimised their marketing approach to the digital and interactive mediums. Marketing teams are heavily geared towards broadcast or, as Seth Godin characterised, “interruption” marketing.
While so-called traditional media have been in decline for most of the decade, “‘new” media have been often considered a mystery or an add-on for campaigns targeting pimply students and “World of Warcraft” playing geeks. It just isn’t really taken that seriously. Additionally, management is demanding stronger accountability and strong metrics which demonstrate ROMI (return on marketing investment), while marketing departments are seeing CPM (Cost Per Impression) response rates and sales figures plummet off traditional advertising mechanisms that are losing their effectiveness.
What still invariably happens today, due to a deficient skill set within the marketing department, is that rather than coming up with original and innovative approaches to utilising social networking and digital technologies, most marketing departments are stuck and simply find themselves trying to retrofit traditional campaigns onto new media, with very little success.
Electronic direct mail is virtually useless as a medium now because such broadcast, one-size-fits-all email campaigns have been overused, creating a broad brush classification of all such email marketing as spam—and so traditionalists are arguing that direct email doesn’t work. Well, of course not!. All the traditional marketers who have been dumping direct mail down their email lists have simply ruined the medium for marketing all together.
Traditional print ads that were poorly retrofitted online as so-called superstitials and interstitials banners are now blocked by pop-up blockers because they were intrusive, poorly positioned, lacked any sort of targeting and just got in the way of a productive Web content experience.
Rich media flash website introductions, designed by traditional advertisers in an attempt to create a 15- or 30-second TV commercial online, are “skipped” 100 per cent of the time because they just get in the way of where we want to go. If advertisers had just understood in the first place that the Web was the Web and not TV, we might have been able to use flash a little more judiciously and effectively for ads. Then we’ve got classified ads and mini-billboards in the form of banners that have become ineffective because customers increasingly filter them out—a psychological effect known as “banner blindness”.

All this while, most traditional marketers simply have not understood that the Web is actually not media at all (at least not in the sense of the TV, newspaper, magazines, radio or billboards)—it forms part of a dialogue or “journey” by the customer that starts with an integrated campaign, a URL, a click, or a search engine, and eventually ends with the sale. Web and mobile are about an actionable process. They are about triggering interest, and resulting in an action, usually a lead or a direct sale. No other channel in the marketer’s arsenal is so self-contained. Every other medium requires some other sort of separate and distinct action through another totally separate channel. So, for example, if you see a really good magazine ad that you’d like to respond to, you either have to pick up the phone, get in the car and drive down to the branch, or visit the website.
What was traditionally about brand messages through old media is all about an interactive, brand experience in the digital space. The fact is that you can’t really create an experience on traditional media. I can hear traditionalists argue that TV and radio ads can create an experience. Perhaps, but an emotional response is not the same as an engagement experience which can result in an immediate sale or acquisition which online or mobile offers. The immediacy of the Web is a punishing environment; you need to deal with it in a completely different manner than for advertising. Thus, the concept of user interaction, versus “perception” or recall.

In the marketing environment of future banking, television commercials will be a thing of the past, with technology such as TiVo or just plain old P2P downloading eliminating the effectiveness of the medium. Today, we need to target customers with pin-point accuracy with offers only directly relevant to their needs. Any brand that continues to force irrelevant offers using the broadcast or shotgun approach to lead generation that is common in methods such as direct mail, will see the effectiveness of those methods reduce from the current levels of 0.4 per cent response rates to nothing, zero, nada.

The organisation will need to adapt to this pressure by creating a team that focuses on constant optimisation of customer propositions through segmentation analysis, behavioural analytics, just-in-time product manufacturing and permission-based marketing. This will be supported by neural networks through precognitive selling, which will anticipate the sale based on behavioural patterns and segmentation data, thus generating average response rates of 20–25 per cent rather than the 0.01 per cent (TVC) to 0.4 per cent (direct mail) of traditional push approaches common today. Customers will perceive this not as marketing, but rather as servicing because the messages will be individual, unique and integrated seamlessly into their banking experience.

When I am shopping, my bank will offer me a line of credit to use to purchase the bedroom setting I’m considering buying. When I’m booking travel online, my bank will automatically provide me with travel insurance coverage at an agreed set rate. When I get a salary increase, the bank will automatically offer me an upgraded platinum credit card with an extended credit limit. Insurance on my home, my car, my boat will be integrated into a central policy, automatically updated unless I nominate otherwise—  I will only be asked the first time. I will be offered bundled products that are constantly optimised.
The customer is the primary focus, and brand recall is only relevant to customers who can be serviced in this way. The marketing team will be a true revenue generation platform, not through advertising, but through channel, customer and offer management.
The biggest obstacle the marketing team will need to face is the concept that the customer dynamics team is far more than a new method of organising advertising activities. It is a team dedicated to optimising and showing customers the brand experience, and not just telling them what the bank can offer.

Distribution and branch management
In the world of future banking, branches will be both more important and less important in the average customer relationship. Time-poor individuals in the High Net Worth and working professional bracket will increasingly look to relationships managed remotely, and once these are in place, will rarely visit the branch. Customers looking to do a major transaction, such as a mortgage contract, establish a new banking relationship or optimise their portfolio or credit footprint, will seek out assistance via specialist advisors. But low-involvement products and transactions will be totally relegated to more efficient channels.

In this environment, there will be four primary organisational units that replace what is now traditionally called branch management. Those areas will incorporate:
• Branch (frontline) Management, which manages the staff and resources of physical locations where customers will go to interact with a person.
• Channel Management, which will increasingly include fully automated branches such as ING Direct’s Bank Cafés and other solutions incorporating avatar tellers and the like.
• Customer Dynamics, which will use the bank’s customer intelligence capability constantly to optimise the customer experience through product offerings, sales campaigns and offer management, including the way staffed branches will utilise this data.
• A Partner Management team, which will increasingly extend your bank’s capability to deliver content, product, information, solutions and presence to beyond the pure brand presence to point-of-sale and point-of-impact solutions.

Change management and transition
These changes could occur incrementally if we had time. But we don’t have the time because customer behaviour has already irrevocably morphed. The key constraint on true innovation and growth for the 21st-century bank, however, will be mostly internal politics based on current departmental hierarchies and trying to get this organisation structure to adapt. For example, who should the CEO appoint to control the new
Customer Dynamics capability? Should it be marketing, the branch team, or an entirely new team with support from the business, marketing personnel and branch advisors?
Is Channel Management an IT function, a marketing function, or does it become a parallel to branch operations at the same organisational level? The latter is most likely as channel management will actually overtake branch operations in terms of revenue and metrics weighting within the next two years, if it hasn’t already at your bank.

Automated channels could account for more than 70 per cent of revenue within the next five years most certainly, if not sooner. Having your primary revenue capability as a subset of transactional services, marketing or IT simply doesn’t make strategic or business sense. In the most fundamental sense, Channel Management and Customer Dynamics will become the most strategic business units for the retail bank—and they don’t even exist today.
Of course, if any one of the existing primary business units claim channel management as a subset of their existing departmental structure, the impact will simply be that organisational improvements will be stalled as non-aligned resources without the required skill sets are rapidly sequestered to a team that requires a completely new process and approach to customer fulfilment.

Compliance and Legal are also increasingly going to challenge our capability to service customers efficiently. In the future banking and post-GFC (global financial crisis) economies of the world, customers are frequent users of technology where they can get results instantly. The following are examples of where we can get instant product fulfilment online: airline tickets, car rentals, hotel bookings, movie tickets, music and movie downloads (and purchases), serviced apartment rentals, office services, personal loans, insurance policies and insurance claims.
Increasingly, customers will expect Straight-Thru Processing and immediate approvals on everything from a new credit card, credit limit upgrades, line of credit or overdraft facilities to tax loans, personal loans and even a mortgage.
In this environment, your bank will need to accept that we get only two chances to get the required information from customers—the first time they apply for a product with us, and then incrementally over time. We will never again be able to ask them for the same information twice, or the customer will punish us.

Banking   Capabilities Change
The pace and rate of behavioural change is speeding up, not slowing down. Thus bank institutions get less time to react and anticipate the impact of such changes on their business. The longer institutions wait, the bigger the gap between customer expectations and service capability becomes.
These are some capabilities subject to change:

  • Mobile App Development: This is not one application (i.e. mobile banking), but looking at continual opportunity for a set of mobile banking applications that your customers can utilise.
  • Widget Development: Widget development for social networks and for desktops needs to be attacked with the same haste as mobile. In fact, it is possible that you can share code or duplicate the apps for both platforms.
  • Twitter and Social Networking listening: Put members of your customer service team on this today. Search out social network groups, tweet feeds and others to see what customers are saying about your bank. Then go fix the problem.
  • In-Branch Cash/Cheque Deposit Machines: Reduce over-the-counter transactions that are purely cost for the branch.
  • Branch Meeters/Greeters: Redirect non-optimal transactions to self-service automated capability.
  • Customer Analytics: Improved behavioural analytics on customers across all channels to understand better which “tasks” customers prefer to do in-branch, versus online, etc.
  • Sales Intelligence and Automated Offer Capability: Real time and precognitive offer management for existing customers delivered in the form of prompts, offers or service messages.
  • Branch Customer Dashboard: Customer information dashboard that shows entire relationship footprint at a glance, along with current risk rating, credit approvals and suggested sales offers.
  • Improved Staff Mobilisation: Focused service and sales training programmes, along with better KPIs that focus on more than simply number of applications per month, or total revenue.
  • Business Process Re-engineering on select processes: Reduction of layering between sales and service departments, including the removal of duplicate “skills” within “competing” product units. Creation of “customer dynamics” capability as owners of customers, rather than product competing for revenue from same.
  • Straight-Thru Processing and Credit Risk Management systems: Enabling customers to get immediate fulfilment for an application rather than waiting the obligatory 24, 48 or 72 hours later due to antiquated manual or human “processes” in the back office. Results in improved service perception and reduction of abandonment due to ongoing process demands (i.e. proof of income, faxing of three months’ bank statements, salary certificate, etc.). Additional benefits include reduction of compliance errors through manual mishandling.
  • Customer Friendly Language Initiative: Use of ethnography, usability research, audits, customer focused observational field studies and focus groups to improve language and simplicity of application forms and communications with customers within branch (and beyond).
  • Contact center Apprenticeships: Start new bankers off in the call center for three months. Help them get a feel for the issues customers face from the get go. Put line managers in the call center for one week every year.
  • Homesourcing Trial: Consider trying homesourcing as a way of better contact center staff retention. IM/VoIP Integration to Contact center. Find a way to integrate Instant Messaging and Skype into your contact center.
  • IVR System Redesign: Think about prioritising menu options based on traditional traffic analytics, thus reducing IVR navigation for those calls that are most frequently made. Think about the use of emotive voice recognition technology to redirect upset customers to a “customer advocate”.
  • Upgrade Your Service Culture: Create a service culture within the bank that gives contact center staff pride in their role within the customer equation.
  • Compliance and Legal Metrics Update: Give the compliance, risk and legal departments metrics which measure how many process problems they resolve through proactive consultation, rather than how many road blocks they assemble.
  • Usability Tests of all websites: Assess any issues with current website language, layout, design and process.
  • Content Management Systems: The old favourite is back, but this time enabled across the organisation so we can “publish” new content continuously. The best analogy is to imagine that your bank is publishing a product catalogue and investor information magazine based on your product daily to customers. Also commit to XML and CSS as core technologies on the interface, along with considering more IP based backbone.
  • Search Engine Optimisation of websites: Organic search engine optimisation should be the strategy of every institution, but it requires rethinking what content you actually put on the site because it needs to be driven by what customers are actually looking for.
  • ATM Advertising revamp: Consider wraps, on-screen video, coupons and other advertising methods for some revenue opportunities on this old chestnut.
  • Better ATMs: Look at gradual replacement of ATMs to incorporate touch screen, Windows platform, and better usability and efficiency. Incorporation of personalisation functions and reduced screen flow should be key goals. Recurring transactions and bill payments can be saved for later recall to further improve speed.
  • Biometrics on ATM: When will be the time to get rid of PINs so we can have a truly secure ATM platform?
  • Mobile Payments NFC proof-of-concept: Start testing prototypes of debit card phone proxies. It won’t be long before your customers’ phones replace the bit of plastic in their wallet. Be prepared for this when it happens.
  • RFID recognition: Using RFID ATM cards or RFID-enabled app phones, build branch capability to recognise a customer when they walk in the door, and have the branch dashboard ready with their profile and a possible offer before they even approach the low-counter specialist.
  • Mobile Remittance : Integration Work with the foreign currency exchange providers and with employers of overseas foreign workers to give the unbanked access to mobile remittance payments P2P.
  • P2P Payments capability: Look at P2P payments via mobile devices as a growth opportunity and a way to reach new customers.



Things move so fast technologically these days that you cannot wait until a trend years into its cycle to adapt. Why not? Because by three years into the adoption cycle, the next big thing will already be on its way. Create a team that is both an advocate for customers, and a team dedicated to creating the right offer, across the right channels, at the right time. Give these resources huge support because they are your new frontline. The customer dynamics team will be one of your most  important departments.