Tech Leaders Struggle in an Agile vs. Legacy World

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Very few project management offices (PMOs) command enough agility to readily “pivot” whenever there’s a business change—an increasingly essential quality among today’s organizations, according to a recent survey from Changepoint. The resulting report, titled “Business Agility: Is It Easy to Pivot?,” reveals that project management pros lack visibility into the state of their project resources. The majority still depend upon antiquated spreadsheets to manage tasks and information, and very few are taking advantage of the cloud. Meanwhile, many remain unclear about exactly what corporate objectives they’re trying to achieve. With more modern visibility and collaboration IT tools, teams will better position themselves for mission-impacting success. “Today’s businesses face two options: evolve or dissolve,” according to the report. “Harsh indeed, but all businesses looking to stand the test of time must adapt, whether it’s by updating technology, redesigning products or introducing new product offerings. Building a nimble, dynamic business is an ongoing struggle made more challenging as organizations navigate legacy system updates and digital transformation. In today’s volatile business climate, change is the only constant.” More than 1,255 global project management pros took part in the research.