Synthetic Data: Powering AI & ML with Privacy-Conscious Insights (2024 Guide)

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Synthetic Data: Powering AI & ML with Privacy-Conscious Insights (2024 Guide)

Here’s a summary of the synthetic data market size and growth trends:

  • Market size: Estimates vary, but the market size is projected to be in the range of $2.1 billion by 2028 according to Markets and Markets and $2.3 billion by 2030 according to Fortune Business Insights.
  • Growth rate: The market is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 35.0% to 45.7% between 2023 and 2028/2030, showcasing significant growth potential.

Therefore, the synthetic data market is expected to more than double in size within the next 5-7 years. This rapid growth highlights the increasing demand for synthetic data solutions.


What Is Synthetic Data?

In the mystical realm of data science, synthetic data emerges as a digital chameleon—a virtual twin of your original dataset, generated algorithmically. It mimics the characteristics of real-world data without compromising privacy or security. Why do we need it? Let’s peel back the layers:

  1. Availability: Sometimes, the data cupboard is bare. Your organization might lack sufficient data, or legacy systems play hide-and-seek with crucial information. Synthetic data steps in to fill those gaps.
  2. Legal Compliance: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) raises its stern eyebrow. You can’t always use the original data due to strict regulations. Synthetic data waltzes in, compliant and ready to party.
  3. Security and Sensitivity: Some data is as delicate as a porcelain teacup. It can’t be casually tossed into the cloud. Synthetic data offers a discreet alternative, like a secret handshake among algorithms.
  4. Cost Efficiency: Real data can be pricey. Imagine a training image that costs $5 from a labeling service. Synthetic data? It’s the budget-friendly version, like scoring a designer bag at a thrift store for a fraction of the price.

Real-Life Applications of Synthetic Data

Now, let’s peek behind the curtain and witness synthetic data in action:

  1. Amazon’s Alexa Language System: Ever wondered how Alexa becomes a linguistic genius? Synthetic data whispers the secrets. Amazon uses it to train Alexa’s language system, ensuring she’s eloquent and witty.
  2. Google’s Waymo Self-Driving Cars: Picture this: Waymo’s autonomous cars cruising through virtual streets, thanks to—you guessed it—synthetic data. It’s like a driving simulator on steroids, minus the traffic jams.
  3. Health Insurance with Anthem and Google Cloud: Anthem, the health insurance maestro, collaborates with Google Cloud to generate synthetic health data. It’s like creating digital doppelgängers of patient records—privacy intact.
  4. Financial Sleuths at American Express & J.P. Morgan: Fraud detection gets an upgrade. These financial wizards wield synthetic financial data like magic wands, spotting anomalies and safeguarding our wallets.
  5. Roche’s Clinical Research: Roche, the healthcare juggernaut, taps into synthetic medical data for clinical trials. It’s like having a virtual patient cohort—no waiting rooms, just insights.
  6. Provinzial’s Predictive Analytics: The German insurance company Provinzial test-drives synthetic data for predictive analytics. It’s like gazing into a crystal ball, predicting risks without compromising anyone’s secrets.

Synthetic Data: By the Numbers

  1. Generation Techniques: Synthetic data emerges from the digital alchemy of various techniques:
    • Random Sampling: Like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat, random sampling creates synthetic data points that mimic the distribution of the original dataset.
    • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Picture two neural networks locked in an artistic duel—one generates fake data, the other critiques it. The result? Exquisite synthetic data.
    • Variational Autoencoders (VAEs): These neural networks learn to encode and decode data, like secret agents passing coded messages. VAEs create synthetic data with a dash of mystery.
    • Copulas: Imagine data points dancing in harmony. Copulas model the dependence structure between variables, creating synthetic data that waltzes gracefully.
  2. Privacy-Preserving Magic:
    • Differential Privacy: It’s like wrapping your data in an invisibility cloak. Differential privacy ensures that synthetic data reveals minimal information about individual records.
    • k-Anonymity and l-Diversity: These knights protect the castle gates. k-Anonymity ensures that each record is indistinguishable among at least k others, while l-diversity adds layers of disguise.
  3. Quality Assurance Spells:
    • Fidelity: Synthetic data should be a convincing doppelgänger. If it wobbles like a jellyfish, it won’t fool anyone.
    • Utility: It’s not just about looks; synthetic data must serve a purpose. If it can’t predict stock prices or diagnose diseases, it’s like a broken wand.
  4. The Uncanny Valley:
    • Synthetic data sometimes tiptoes into the uncanny valley—the eerie space between real and fake. Too perfect, and it raises eyebrows. Too flawed, and it’s a dead giveaway. Balance is key.
  5. Ethical Incantations:
    • Synthetic data isn’t immune to ethical debates. Should it mimic sensitive attributes like race or income? The wizards convene, discussing fairness spells.

Synthetic data trends

The synthetic data generation market is experiencing significant growth, driven by several factors like privacy concerns and advancements in AI/ML.

The trends  of synthetic data, as revealed by the wise sages at Gartner:

  1. Synthetic Data Takes Center Stage:
  2. Generative AI Unleashes the Magic:
    • Generative AI: Picture an artist creating masterpieces out of thin air. Generative AI conjures synthetic data, relieving the burden of obtaining real-world data. By 2024, it will be the norm—60% of data for AI will be synthetic2.
    • Simulating Reality: Synthetic data simulates the world, allowing AI models to learn without risking real-world consequences. It’s like a dress rehearsal for algorithms.
  3. Privacy and Security Spells:
  4. Financial Wizards and Retail Sorcery:
    • Financial Institutions: Banks and financial services wield synthetic data to explore market behaviors, make lending decisions, and combat fraud. It’s like a crystal ball for pension investments and loans4.
    • Retail Enchantments: Retailers use synthetic data for autonomous check-out systems, cashierless stores, and analyzing customer demographics. It’s the secret sauce behind personalized shopping experiences.
  5. Machine Learning Potions Enhanced:
    • Accuracy Boost: Synthetic data sprinkles accuracy into machine learning models. It fills gaps, balances biases, and ensures models don’t stumble in the real world.
    • Hackathons and Prototyping: Data sorcerers use synthetic data for hackathons, product demos, and internal prototyping. It’s like creating a parallel universe of data for experimentation.
  6. Ethical Alchemy:
    • Fairness and Bias: The wizards convene to discuss fairness spells. Should synthetic data mimic sensitive attributes? Ethical considerations guide their incantations.

Commercial Synthetic Data Tools

Choosing the “best” synthetic data tool is like choosing the perfect shoe – it depends entirely on your specific needs! Here’s a breakdown of key factors to consider when selecting the right tool for you:

1. Data Types:

  • What type of data do you need to generate? Structured (tables), unstructured (text, images), or a mix of both? Choose a tool that supports your specific data types.

2. Use Case:

  • What is your primary purpose for generating synthetic data? AI/ML training, test data management, anonymization, or something else? Each tool might have strengths in specific use cases.

3. Privacy Needs:

  • Do you have specific data privacy requirements to meet? Ensure the chosen tool offers compliant options, especially important if working with sensitive information.

4. Technical Expertise:

  • How comfortable is your team with coding or technical tasks? Some tools offer user-friendly interfaces, while others require programming knowledge.

5. Additional Considerations:

  • Budget: Explore pricing models (subscription, pay-per-use) and compare costs across different tools.
  • Scalability: Consider your future data generation needs and ensure the tool scales efficiently as your project grows.
  • Customer Reviews and Support: Read user reviews and research the quality of the tool’s customer service and support options.

Once you’ve considered these factors, narrow down your options and explore further:

  • Research shortlisted tools: Look at their websites, documentation, and case studies to understand their functionalities and use cases in detail.
  • Free trials: Some tools offer free trials or demos. Try them out to get a hands-on experience and see which one aligns best with your needs and workflow.

Here’s the list:


  • Betterdata: vendor of a privacy-preserving synthetic data solution for AI, data sharing, or product development.
  • Datomize: vendor of a synthetic data solution for the development, training and testing of AI/ML models, and applications.
  • Diveplane: vendor of Geminai, a solution to generate synthetic ‘twin’ datasets with the same statistical properties as the original data.
  • Facteus: vendor of Mimic™ a synthetic data engine to synthesize data assets that protect consumer privacy.
  • Gretel: vendor of a synthetic data generation library and APIs for developers and data practitioners.
  • Hazy: vendor of a synthetic data platform for financial institutions that want to conduct data analysis.
  • Instill AI: vendor of a solution for synthetic data generation leveraging Generative Adversarial Networks and differential privacy.
  • Kymera Labs: vendor Synthetic Data Fabrication Software, a solution that generates new data without relying on the ML/GAN approach.
  • vendor of a synthetic data platform for generating synthetic data using GANs, available in Community, Cloud or Enterprise editions.
  • Mostly AI: vendor of Mostly Generate, a synthetic data generator that provides as-good-as-real, yet fully anonymous data.
  • Replica Analytics: vendor of Replica Synthesis, a software solution that ingests data and builds synthesis models to generate synthetic datasets.
  • Sarus technologies: vendor of ML software to help data practitioners leverage sensitive data assets for innovation with privacy guarantees.
  • Sogeti: vendor of Artificial Data Amplifier (ADA), a solution by the Sogeti Testing AI team that generates realistic data based on real data sets.
  • Statice: vendor of a software solution that generates privacy-preserving synthetic data that can be used as a drop-in replacement for an original dataset.
  • Syndata AB: vendor of a synthetic data generator to generate data sets that match the statistical attributes of real data but are entirely synthetic.
  • Synthesized: vendor of a DataOps platform enabling data sharing and collaboration across internal groups, remote teams, and external partners.
  • Syntheticus: Swiss vendor of a Swiss platform dedicated to generating synthetic data.
  • Syntho: vendor of AI software for generating synthetic data.
  • Tonic: vendor of a synthetic data generator to mimic production data.
  • Ydata: vendor of a synthesizer that mimics statistical information from real data and on new datasets without transforming the original data.

How Synthetic Data Can Fuel the Progress of General AI

Synthetic data holds immense potential in advancing the development of General AI (AGI), which aims to create artificial intelligence capable of human-like learning and reasoning across various domains. Here are some ways synthetic data can contribute to this:

1. Addressing Data Scarcity: Real-world data collection for complex tasks can be limited, expensive, or ethically problematic. Synthetic data allows researchers to generate vast amounts of diverse data encompassing various scenarios and edge cases, crucial for training robust AGI models.

Example: Imagine training an AI to learn complex social interactions. Gathering real-world data for every possible scenario is impractical and unethical. Synthetic data can generate realistic simulations of various social situations, allowing the AI to learn and adapt effectively.

2. Building Robustness and Mitigating Bias: Real-world data often reflects existing biases present in society. Synthetic data offers the opportunity to control and manipulate the data distribution, ensuring models are trained on diverse and unbiased datasets, leading to more robust and fair AI systems.

Example: If training an AI for facial recognition, using only real-world data may lead to bias based on factors like skin color or gender. Synthetic data can be generated to ensure diverse ethnicities, ages, and genders are represented, mitigating potential bias in the resulting AI model.

3. Enabling Safe and Efficient Experimentation: Testing AI algorithms on real-world systems can be risky and costly. Synthetic data enables researchers to create safe and controlled virtual environments to test various scenarios and refine their algorithms without potential harm to real systems or individuals.

Example: Developing an AI for self-driving cars requires extensive testing in various traffic situations. Generating synthetic traffic data allows for safe and efficient testing of the AI’s decision-making capabilities in diverse and challenging scenarios.

4. Facilitating Personalized Learning: Synthetic data can be used to personalize the training experience for AGI models, allowing them to adapt to individual needs and situations.

Example: An AI designed to be a personalized learning companion can be trained on synthetic data customized to individual learning styles, preferences, and knowledge gaps.

5. Overcoming Ethical Challenges: Synthetic data can be used to address ethical concerns associated with data collection, especially when dealing with sensitive information. By generating anonymized or simulated data, researchers can train AI models while protecting individual privacy.

Example: Training an AI for medical diagnosis could raise privacy concerns regarding patient data. Synthetic data generated from anonymized medical records offers an alternative for training the AI while safeguarding patient information.

As the field continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative ways to leverage synthetic data to unlock the full potential of intelligent machines.