Why We Built a Company-Wide Event That Encourages Discomfort – Valutrics

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Learning and development programs are currently seeing increased prioritization at organizations across industries. In the digital age, fast and flexible innovation depends on the quality, quantity and accessibility of information. With this growing need for accumulated knowledge, companies and employees are placing a special emphasis on workplace education. According to a study During my work at MuleSoft, a San Francisco-based enterprise software company, I’ve found that the best way to promote ongoing education is to place ourselves in new and unfamiliar situations. I first joined the company as the head of employee services, initially charged with running our global facilities, planning internal events like happy hours and offsites, driving our monthly all hands meeting and owning our annual company conference MeetUp. I had been working for less than two weeks when I was asked to join the project team for a major field sales event that was outside of my job description.

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The task was to help plan our week-long sales kickoff, in which the entire global field team would be temporarily relocated to the tiny town of Braselton, Ga. The 300-person event was larger than anything I’d ever planned, and we had under a month to pull it together. These challenges, though initially daunting, were incredibly rewarding for my professional development. I tackled the steep learning curve of running production for the general session, built incredibly important relationships with field leaders and executives, and learned a lot about how we produce content and the technical requirements to make it happen. I wholeheartedly believe uncertainty and discomfort are vital in the modern workplace, and in order to grow, these are exactly the kind of stretch opportunities that we need.

Helping run sales kickoff, despite being technically outside of my job description, accelerated my ability to successfully plan our company-wide MeetUp each year. The event runs for a week in San Diego and addresses four main goals: 1) aligning on company strategy, 2) learning new skills, 3) working through issues, and 4) building new relationships. Each of these goals have one thing in common: They embrace challenges beyond the scope of our day-to-day work. It is a demanding week that requires incredible energy and stretch from everyone in the company. Here’s how we do it:

Expand social circles.

Though it sounds simple, interacting with new people can be a huge catalyst for both personal and professional development. According to a survey conducted Related: 4 Tips to Take Struggling Employees to the Top of Their Game

At MuleSoft, we encourage new interactions When planning MeetUp, we drive relationship-building After the event, the difference in our workplace dynamic is palpable. Fresh perspectives help employees communicate with colleagues across teams and locations with newfound patience and mutual understanding.

Enforce cross-functional learning.

According to a 2017 report conducted At MuleSoft, we maintain multiple cross-functional teams to promote each other’s ongoing learning. It is often easy to settle into siloed functions, solving familiar problems with the same people each day. However, working within these isolated functions will ultimately stagnate team growth.

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When teams are learning from one another, they are able to look at problems more holistically. Throughout the year, we run a series of discussions called Muley Talks, in which department leads are challenged to condense their major initiatives and functions into a 20-minute public presentation. Each talk is followed During MeetUp, we enable cross-function collaboration through employee-led training sessions. Last year, Steven Butt, a senior software engineer, trained the entire global talent team on how to make your own API with a presentation called MuleSoft 101. Vera Wang, a senior corporate communications manager, hosted a media training session for our regional spokespeople. Brian Miller, our VP of business development, had his team facilitate a discussion on the importance of building a partner ecosystem.

When employees push themselves to work and learn alongside other teams, they develop new critical thinking and communication skills.

Encourage ownership.

We want to create an environment where everyone has something new to contribute and where people can proudly own their work. Sometimes, that means providing our employees with the tools and resources necessary for innovation and then letting them take the driver’s seat.

The MeetUp Hackathon is one way in which we encourage employee autonomy. Over the course of 36 hours, last year’s teams created 33 new and unusual projects using MuleSoft technology. When time was up, our engineers presented their projects to the rest of the company, old-school science-fair style.

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Many of the projects showed promise for continued use after MeetUp. For example, one team built a Chrome extension that could quickly evaluate APIs on any customer or prospect website, proving immediately useful for sales teams. Another team built a project that awarded social media interactions to MuleSoft By giving employees the freedom to innovate outside of everyday operations, we can promote both personal and company growth.

The comfort zone is one of the largest threats to growth. When you integrate discomfort and unfamiliarity into your learning and development programs, big things can happen. One of MuleSoft’s core values is fearlessness because we believe that challenging the status quo requires courage. If you take the time to foster courage and confidence in your employees, great culture and awesome ideas will follow.