Why Many Founders Should Think Global From the Start

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It might seem overly ambitious to set your sights on global domination before you have even landed your first customer.

But, Amasia Managing Partner John Kim makes a good case for why companies should think about being global right from the start. After all, markets are not necessarily divided by just geography anymore.

In fact, any company that thinks big enough and keeps growing has a very good chance of becoming a global company. There are some industries that are more apt than others to make the leap earlier. Software companies operating in the cloud, for instance, can operate anywhere in the world. Other types of commerce that are more physical in nature can make the transition as well, but perhaps not as fast.

For many businesses, operating globally in the future is a matter of “when,” not “if.” The key is to start thinking now about potential customers, partners and countries around the globe that can help your company grow so that you will be ready when the opportunities do arise.


Jeff Harbach

Jeff Harbach

Jeff Harbach is president and CEO of Kauffman Fellows, and a fellow from the Class of ’16. He  has been an entrepreneur and investor since 2002, and was executive director of the Central Texas Angel Network (CTAN), based out o…

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