Question to Leadership: If you had to list 3 qualities…

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by Jeff Freedman

Recently, we held our first town hall meeting at Small Army. Rather than doing the typical quarterly update where our leadership team shares what we believe the team would be most interested in (ie., financial info, new business updates, client successes, etc.), we encouraged everyone to anonymously submit questions that they would like to have answered.

Honestly, questions such as “Can we get more Yogibos (very comfy bean bag chairs) in the lounge area?” and  “Why do we use ink stamps for business cards?” came as a bit of a surprise. (I didn’t know either was a concern). And, of course, there were a few questions about process, collaboration, growth and benefits that were generally easy to address. However, the one question that caused us to think the most was this one:

If you had to list 3 qualities that every employee should possess, what would they be?

While there are many important ones, narrowing it to the top 3 was difficult. But, here’s where we landed. I share them here because I imagine they may apply to your organization as well:

1. Initiative 
If you want something to happen, make it happen. Don’t wait for others to tell you what to do or get frustrated when progress isn’t being made.

2. Openness
As strongly as you believe in your perspective, take the time to understand that of others. Your work will not only benefit, but so will your relationships with colleagues and clients.

3. Positivity
While work should be fun, not everything is perfect. Keep a positive attitude, be thankful for what you have and always do your best. It will make you  and everyone around you happier.

Of course there were several runners up (i.e., collaborative, inquisitive, authentic, etc.), but these are the three that rose to the top of the list.

What would the top three be at your organization?

Please share your thoughts on my blog – or just send me an email.

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