Overcoming the Trials and Tribulations of Business Ownership

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No one ever said that being an entrepreneur was easy! Many business owners work themselves to the bone because they have a keen focus on their vision. Although this is an admirable quality, entrepreneurs must remember is that they are only human. We chat with a few experts about how to rein back on the forward momentum to work more efficiently. Allison Eyring, owner of Organisation Solutions, gives tips on slowing down for long-term success. Scott Jordan, founder of SCOTTeVEST, talks about marketing, risk management and the subtle art of the follow-up. Chase Jarvis, founder of CreativeLive, offers tools to triumph over fear. Is it time for your business to conquer these hurdles?  

  • [00:00:00] The Never Ending Hours of Entrepreneurship
  • [00:05:46] Drive Long-Term Success Related: The Journey to Success Is Paved With Self-Discovery

    Discover more about segments and guests below . . .

    [00:00:00] The Never Ending Hours of Entrepreneurship

    Who needs to sleep or eat, anyway? Many entrepreneurs like to push past normal limits, their enthusiasm and excitement giving them a super-human amount of energy. Allison Eyring, owner of Organisation Solutions, warns that an entrepreneur’s addiction to action could have serious consequences. Do you know when to stop and refuel? Find out how to minimize the harmful effects which non-stop momentum can have on you.

    [00:05:46] Drive Long-Term Success When we are passionate about what we do, it seems ludicrous to stop treading forward on our path to success. Unfortunately, our bodies cannot always keep up with our minds. You have to recharge. Eyring tells us how her book Pacing for Growth: Why Intelligent Restraint Drives Long Term Success will help you achieve sustainable workflow. Discover how to become a better leader [00:11:31] Remain Focused When Your Vision Urges You to Scatter

    There are limits to the amount of work that can be accomplished in a day. When you hit a plateau, will you know how to regain focus and adjust your sails? Consistency over intensity is important when building a business. Don’t let your desire to succeed hamper your leadership skills. Eyring has tips on how to remain focused even when our vision is pushing us in a million different directions. Your company can become stronger with the right steps up the ladder. 

    [00:18:23] SCOTTeVEST Was the First Established Primary Clothing Company

    Sometimes a bright idea is just the tip of the iceberg and it will take you places that you have never imagined. Seventeen years ago, Scott Jordan noticed that everyone was starting to carry numerous electronic devices and none of us had enough pockets to accommodate them. Cue SCOTTeVEST, the multi-pocket clothing line targeting gadget geeks and adventurers. SCOTTeVEST was among the first clothing companies to establish a brand presence online and quickly garnered the attention of retail titan Amazon.com. After fielding a formidable purchase order from Amazon to the tune of $100,000, it was clear that Jordan’s concept had real legs proving that it pays to chase your brilliant ideas. 

    [00:26:08] High Dollar Risks May Be Vital for Business Growth

    Throwing a lot of money at promoting your business can seem scary and for good reason — you’re putting a lot on the line for an unknown reward. Jordan tells us about the biggest gamble he has taken to grow his business; he decided to throw down $150,000 on a cheesy TV commercial. This risk paid off quickly. Today, SCOTTeVEST has increased its TV advertising budget to $3 million. Stop worrying; Jordan has a few risk management tips for entrepreneurs to start making their dreams come true.

    [00:33:26] Fear Is Real, but We’re Not Going to Be “Eaten When our dreams get big, so do our trepidations. Newsflash: The fear is all in your head — there is no tiger that’s going to eat you! Chase Jarvis, founder of CreativeLive, gives this humorous perspective on the mental bully that holds us back. It’s time to you combat your biggest critic, yourself, and inspire others in the process. Discover tools to release your fear and accomplish what you’ve set out to do.

    Entrepreneur Radio, hosted by award-winning broadcast professional, Alan Taylor, equips fans with the critical information necessary to grow their business through practical advice and thought-provoking interviews. Tune in live on Saturdays 2 p.m. EST/11 a.m. PST and Sundays 10 a.m. EST/7 a.m. PST and listen to weekly episodes on demand on Entrepreneur.com.

    Alan Taylor

    Alan Taylor

    Alan Taylor is an award winning radio and television host and a 30-plus year broadcast professional. As a founder of Benchmark Entertainment in 1995, Taylor pioneered the business of creating radio shows as an exten…

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