Needed now and for the foreseeable future: Five hot IT skills

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Hot IT skills: No. 1

Software engineer: Even with our strong commitment to buy versus build when it comes to our enterprise systems, customer and competitive demands will likely require us to continue to write software. Perhaps not a bunch of software, but enough that we need some talented engineers. And there are just not enough of them around. To meet this need, the education and technology training industries are doing what they can (code camps, certifications on the pathway to a degree, access to online training programs, et cetera), but I expect demand to exceed supply for quite a while — at least until someone builds robots that write quality code.

Now, what can most of us do to attract and retain good software engineers? I have found two things to be key. First, make sure the work is interesting. Second, let them use modern development tools, methods and frameworks (like repositories). Software engineers get cred when they can talk about things like continuous deployment and microservices architectures.