Mobility Is Key to Digital Transformation – Valutrics

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The internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies dominate headlines today, but CIOs and their IT teams aren’t neglecting mobility either. In fact, the vast majority consider mobility as a key priority in their organization, according to a recent survey from the Enterprise Mobility Exchange. The resulting “Industry Insight 2017: A Global Perspective” report indicates that mobile initiatives are aligning with emerging technologies as part of an enterprise-wide digital transformation effort. The security of mobile data, apps and devices is essential, as organizations attempt to strike a fair balance between cyber-vigilance and the need for functionality. “The proliferation of mobile devices—laptops, tablets, smartphones, GPS and assorted rugged equipment—has elevated business and decision making to a new level,” according to the report. “Now, in 2017, we’re beyond a mobile-first mindset: It’s time to focus on mobile-only. … So why are some enterprises already fully mobile, while the majority of them are lagging behind? It comes down to security, and more importantly, security versus operability in the workforce. Not all workers want employers putting apps or systems on their personally owned devices, and not all employees want to carry two phones each day.” The findings cover a range of other technology topics—including the role of the tech department in business decisions and shadow IT—and we’ve included some of those topics here. More than 100 IT professionals took part in the research.