How to Make Workers Productive With Mobile Apps

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As the app market matures, a majority of businesses are seeking increased productivity from mobile apps, rather than just using them to mobilize the workforce, according to a new study. The report, “2017 Executive Enterprise Mobility,” was conducted by Apperian in conjunction with CITO Research. They surveyed 100 mobility professionals from 10 industries to determine key mobile trends and drivers of success. One finding highlights the complexity of the mobile landscape and unmanaged devices. “While standardization of mobility programs and management represent the ultimate goal, the majority of organizations are not there yet,” the report said. “More than half of respondents remain eager to reduce the complexity of a mobile landscape that involves multiple operating systems and a long list of integrations, management methods, and a constant flow of new, innovative app functionality.” Such complexity is the enemy of security, therefore a systematic approach to mobile security is required, the report said. Yet, fewer respondents this year (49 percent compared to 60 percent in 2016) said a compromised mobile device is the security issue that most concerns them.