How to Make Sure Your Kids Catch Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

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There’s a saying that children are the future. If you’re a parent, or are considering becoming a parent sometime in the future, you should give some thought to how you would raise your offspring to become the most successful that they can.

With my 30’s creeping up, I’ve taken an interest in learning as much about raising happy and successful children as possible. How do you give a child the tools to succeed? If you’re an entrepreneur, you may want to pass on some of those leadership skills that you’ve found so useful in your own life.

Here are some things I’ve learned can influence children to become better leaders.

Be your child’s best example

The child’s first lessons are in the home. Set an example for who you want your child to be. If you want your child to be hard working, let her see you work hard at your job or to make your dream a reality. If you want your kid to be giving, let your child see you volunteer your time somewhere together once she is older.

Give them goals to meet

This is something you can do early on in life. Even as a toddler, he can have a purpose or a mission. Your older child should always have a goal or a project on the go. This will give them something to work on at all times, and teach them perseverance and give them self-esteem and confidence.

They will learn new skills by working on something by themselves and learn new ways to solve problems. These are all skills that entrepreneurs need.

Teach your kids the importance of listening to others

Although to children, listening can be tiresome, they can learn so much more from listening than they can from talking. Teach your children that one of the most important qualities of a leader is listening.

Teach your children never to give up

There are many times that your child will fail and want to quit. It’s your job to teach her that even the most successful people, grown up men and women, have failed numerous times before they found success.

Teach your young person that perseverance is key when it comes to success, and that as long as you learn from your mistakes and try not to make them again, it’s all worth it.

Raise your child to have his own definition of success

Let your child define what success is. If she wants to be a vet someday and open her own clinic for animals, take her to a sanctuary for a visit or to volunteer. Remember that everyone’s definition of success is different. Your job is to support your child’s definition of success and help him turn it into a goal.

Teach your child to find work she loves

Tell your child that work isn’t really work when you feel passionate about your job. Help your child find what she loves to do, and ask her how she can become the best in that field. Does that mean school? Volunteering? Working all aspects of a business? Help her figure out her options.

Raise a great communicator

All great leaders are also great communicators. Nurture their communication skills and help them express what they want and what they mean. Teach them that a broken promise can never be really fixed, and that your word is your bond.

Tell them to listen to others and think carefully before speaking, and that once words are said, they can’t be taken back. Poorly chosen words have damaged many a great business relationship.

Teach them to be great team players

Rarely does anyone ever achieve anything great in complete isolation. When you are building a business as an entrepreneur, you have many people working with you – suppliers, purchasers, marketers, technical support, and the list goes on. Teach your child the importance of working with others to make a business goal come true.

Teach the importance of good character

Teach your child to be hardworking, trustworthy, honest, respectful and kind. These qualities will take them far in life – and in business. Again, this is something that you should be demonstrating daily in your home and in interactions with your child.

Give them the space to become who they want to be

Everyone has their own path and purpose, including your child. Once you’ve laid the groundwork and give them the tools, and set the examples for them to follow, it’s time to step back and let them do their thing.

That can mean setting up their first lemonade stand or starting a grass cutting business. That’s right, no more parental interference. Of course, you can continue to support them and nurture them, but you will have to let go and let them fly or fall.