Here’s How You Choose The Best Health Insurance Plan For Your UAE Startup

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To successfully navigate the complex world of company health insurance, employers must first look within their company. It is crucial to assess and understand your company needs and expectations. Promoting an open communication channel with employees is essential to understand their concerns and unique medical needs.

The health insurance policy your company provides can affect employee satisfaction (and thus production)—it is important to make sure their concerns are heard and valued.

A comprehensive policy may dig into your bottom line, but it will go a long way in motivating and retaining talent. A recent survey concluded that 71% of employees listed dissatisfaction with salary and benefits package as the main reason for quitting a job.

Naturally, different policies will include different combinations of hospitals and clinics within their networks. Having your employees going out-of-network to seek medical care has negative repercussions related to coverage, costs, and claims fillings.

Most commonly, networks are focused within and around specific locations in the UAE. It is, therefore, vital to ensure proximity to where the majority of your employees reside—otherwise getting to an in-network institution can be highly inconvenient.

Making sure you and your employees are aware of exclusions and coverage limits is central to avoid any confusion down the line. Being aware of coverage limits is a necessity, especially for health events that can result in significant costs.

For example, if a health insurance policy includes maternity coverage, the coverage limit may vary depending on the policy details. Limits may range from Dhs7,000 to Dhs80,000.

While the lower limit may be sufficient under normal circumstances, it might not cover expenses related to complications that can arise due to a difficult pregnancy. By knowing coverage limits, policyholders can ensure they are financially prepared should the costs of treatment exceed the preset limit.

Policies can also offer different co-payment rates, which require employees to pay a percentage of the medical bill out-of-pocket. Deductibles can also require policyholders to cover a certain amount of their own medical expenses before the health insurance kicks in.

Often, physiotherapy, dental, and optic benefits require separate top-ups to provide coverage for those needs. Additionally, if coverage needs to be extended into a larger geographic area, there are top-ups to meet those requirements as well. This can help employers make sure that employees with unique situations are taken care of.

Employers also should decide if they want to segment their employees and offer different policies for different ranks, or if they want to opt for a one-size-fits-all policy. Whatever the decision, it is crucial to ensure that your employees have a voice in their policies and that they understand industry jargon and know their benefits.
