Here’s How To Use Color In The Workplace To Stimulate Your Employees

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More often than not, we take the impact of colors for granted. In fact colors have the power to affect our moods, reactions and productivity levels. Brands often choose colors that match the brand personality and traits.

The psychology of color has a name – it’s called chromology – and this has been used by companies for years together to improve the reactions of their customers and employees and target higher productivity levels and better realization of business goals. One would wonder how something as simple as a wall color could change how people view their work and perform?

Several studies conducted to date have proven this fact. Angela Wright, author of ‘The Beginner’s Guide to Color Psychology’, studied the dynamics of color in California, USA, in the 1970s and identified links between patterns of color and patterns of human behavior. She formulated a clear hypothesis, which became the basis of the Colour Affects System, a globally recognized theory today.

Let’s look at the basic influences each color can have on the environment:

1. Blues and greens

These colors are generally seen to have a calming effect on people and the environment. Blue tends to make people think and perform better; it lowers heart rate, blood pressure and respiration while green tends to reduce anxiety. When people are stressed, being in a green room can help them feel calm and peaceful. Green and blue are colors abound in nature. However, what ultimately matters is the tone and shade of every color. Extremes don’t work in any case.

2. Red

Red is a color that stands out and draws attention. Hence, it is used for traffic lights, stop signs and danger signs world over. More often than not, red is said to improve heart rate, respiration and brain wave activities. In a normal corporate environment, red may not be the best choice for wall color. However, in a place that demands physical activity and productivity, red can be used to stimulate and excite workers. In a corporate office, it can be used for highlighting and accenting other shades and tones. If there is an area in the office that needs to draw attention, red is a good fit for such a place.

3. Yellow and orange

Yellow and orange are warm and stimulating colors. Yellow connotes happiness while orange conveys enthusiasm. However, dark shades of orange and yellow could lead to negative emotions sometimes. Thus, certain shades are best suited to highlight certain parts of the office like the creative corner or the ideation room.

4. Neutral shades like black and white:

A lot of offices have white, beige or brown walls that denote a neutral environment. These colors often make corporate workplaces boring and monotonous. White walls, however, convey serenity and purity.

The truth remains that colors do affect our moods and productivity. So be wise and choose a color that matches the personality of your brand and business goals.