First-Class IT Departments Help Boost Bottom Lines – Valutrics

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World-class IT organizations are significantly boosting the bottom-line performance of their companies, according to recent research from the Hackett Group. The accompanying report, “Beyond World-Class Service: IT’s Digital Capability Imperative,” defines “world class” as technology departments that excel at more than 100 metrics, including those related to efficiency, effectiveness, automated functions and project completion rates. For example, there’s a considerable gap between the percent of completed projects that meet ROI expectations in world-class organizations and in their peers. World-class IT organizations also fare better at delivering anticipated benefits on initiatives, while completing projects on time. These and other factors will greatly influence which businesses move forward successfully in their digital transformation efforts and which get left behind. “Like other business functions that provide services to the rest of the enterprise (such as finance, HR and procurement), IT earns its credibility by maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of its service delivery,” according to the report. “Even in the most progressive digital-native enterprises, the fundamental expectation of IT is a high level of service delivery performance. Failing that, any aspirations to be a digital capability driver and transformation partner become remote.” The research is based on an analysis of benchmarks, performance studies and other data from hundreds of large global companies. Additional data was taken from the Hackett Group’s “IT Key Issues” survey, in which 180 global executives took part.