CX Can Be Enhanced With Digital Innovation – Valutrics

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The vast majority of CIOs and other tech leaders said that they feel under pressure to constantly improve their organization’s customer experience (CX) through digital innovation, according to a recent survey from Couchbase. Fortunately, most indicate they are making significant improvements here. However, there are considerable obstacles in the way: Relatively few of the survey respondents said they can make use of recent customer data in real time. In fact, the average minimum age of customer data that can be used extends by more than a day. In addition, a lack of resources, a reliance on legacy systems and the complexities involved in using multiple technologies are keeping companies from using data for new digital services. “Despite pumping millions of dollars into digital transformation projects, most companies are only seeing modest improvements that ultimately won’t help them better compete in the future,” said Matt Cain, CEO of Couchbase. “With IT leaders concerned that their revenue will drop if they don’t improve customer experiences, it’s critical that they focus on projects designed to increase customer engagement.” A total of 450 CIOs and other IT executives and managers took part in the research, which was conducted by Vanson Bourne.