7 Technologies that Enable a Microservices Architecture

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Organizations that implement microservices often adopt the architectural style alongside complementary technologies, including the seven in this slideshow.

Enterprise IT organizations that develop their own applications are increasingly embracing a style of architecture known as microservices. According to web server vendor NGINX, 68% of organizations are using or investigating microservices. And a separate study by Evans Data Corporation found that 90% of cloud developers are either already using microservices in production or plan to do so this year.

A microservices architecture involves creating software out of many, smaller independent services. Instead of developing applications as a monolithic whole, microservices takes a modular approach, using small pieces that can be re-used and re-purposed for a variety of purposes. It is similar to service-oriented architecture (SOA), and some people consider it to be a more refined version of SOA.

Proponents of microservices say that it allows companies to create more agile, flexible, scalable applications and to speed up the development processes. It is often used by organizations that have adopted agile methodologies or DevOps approaches, and some of its most well-known users include large web companies like Netflix, Twitter, eBay and Amazon.

Still, Gartner cautions, “Microservices architecture enables unprecedented agility and scalability, but it’s not for everyone. Application leaders responsible for architecture should understand this new design paradigm, its prerequisites and its disruptive impact before determining where, when and whether to use it.”

Organizations that do implement microservices often adopt the architectural style alongside complementary technologies, including the seven in this slideshow.