6 Things Every Boss Must Do to Help Employees Stay Calm Amidst Change – Valutrics

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I once spent hundreds of hours creating a training program and corresponding curriculum.

It turned into a lesson on how quickly things change in the technology industry — the program was out of date within two years.

The experience also was frustrating in another way. We had too many rules at the company about how things were created, so changing the program was a tougher bureaucratic slog than it should have been.

We have a tendency when growing a company to apply too many rules.

Then the rubber band snaps back and we implement too few. Then the pendulum swings again in the other direction. And the cycle continues.

This is the nature of every young company as it finds its way, and it often must reinvent itself to respond to changing market conditions.

But there’s a cost: too much energy spent rethinking. That translates to not just wasted time but lost opportunity, higher training costs and perhaps confused and frustrated employees.

Given all the problems caused We want to enable teams, but are prone to yanking back the freedom as soon as a problem crops up. You can avoid this trap.

Simply suggest to managers how things could be done differently, rather than suddenly laying down new rules.

2. Trust your people.

As organizations grow, they become risk averse. Understand when the next growth spurt is coming and how best to continue empowering managers or individuals to make decisions.

3. Focus on education.

When new leaders are promoted, onboarded, or emerge, teach them about the whats, whys and hows of the company’s decision-making. This will promote understanding and trust.

4. Hire good people.

It sounds obvious, but hiring strong, experienced managers usually means there’s less you need to teach them and you can expect them to be able to adapt as the business grows.

5. Mentor.

Promoting from within is always a great move, so provide opportunities for strong players to shadow leaders and observe the decision-making process.

Then, when they are promoted, they’ll already have context for the company’s MO.

6. Be transparent.

Leaders need to be as transparent as possible. With a free flow of information, everyone — individual contributors, supervisors, managers, and executives — can be on the same page with strategy and execution.

Every organization is different.

But, as the saying goes, the only thing that is constant is change. How companies manage change can go a long way toward deciding the health of their business and whether it’s a happy and productive or miserable place to work.