10 Things IT Pros Should Consider (or Dread) Before the Job Hunt

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Think you’ve seen changes in your IT group over the years? Well there have been just as many changes in the job market. Here’s some advice to help you find that next great job.PreviousNext

Hunting for that new job can be a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, you feel optimistic about the possibilities of landing that ideal, truly fulfilling position. On the other, you’re dreading many of the steps of the job search process. These can include tasks such as updating your resume, preparing for an interview and determining if a potential new job is the right fit for both you and the employer. Additionally, you may be second guessing whether you even have the right skills to land your dream job in the first place.

We’ve all been there. Yet, for many, the lure of the perfect job at that fantastic company is too exciting to ignore. Thus, the job hunt begins. It may seem overwhelming and intimidating at first, but for those of you in the field of tnformation technology, we’re here to help. In this slideshow, we’re going to present 10 things — good and not so good — IT job seekers should consider before starting their job hunt.

The best practices for approaching a new job hunt have something in common with the world of technology that we live in – they’re constantly changing. You’ve likely all heard about the business trend of digital transformation. For IT pro’s, this shift is having a major impact on technology-related jobs. Skills that were hot only a year or two ago may not be in demand today. Nor are the perks and benefits that companies are offering new employees. That’s why it’s important to understand the market as best you can prior to throwing your hat in the ring. Understand where market demands are — and see if the current market is favorable for your skillset and location. Or, you may discover that you’d be better off brushing up on — or learning — a popular new technology that will better catch the eye of an HR recruiter.

Lastly, it’s important to focus not only on the technical job skills and title of the job being listed, you need to take a step back and assess various aspects of the job. Does the company have the culture and employee policies you want? Is a fast-paced startup environment what you desire – or are you looking for a more well-established, but successful company? Answering these types of questions will help you gauge the type of employees a company is looking for – and what will ultimately be expected from a performance perspective.

Please join us as we reveal our list of things you should know before the hunt. Then after you read through each, please feel free to add comments regarding your recent job search experiences – along with any tips you’d like to share with the InformationWeek community.

